Creating Media. Sharing Jesus.


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  • When you think of the 3.2 billion people who haven’t heard the name of Jesus, the task of sharing God’s love with people from every nation can seem overwhelming, even impossible! Fortunately, God never intended for us to complete the task on our own.

    Never in our lifetime has the goal of reaching the over 3 billion unreached seemed so attainable. Why is the goal possible? Media. Through creating culturally relevant media, you share Jesus without borders or boundaries.

    Because of you, millions are hearing about Jesus every day!

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Check out the latest one-minute prayer video! God has used...

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Where do we go from here?

Mission15 Strategy GNPI founder Ziden Nutt shared over and over...

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Nomad Academy: Promoted to the Next Level

Nomad Academy is now available as an App! Nomad Academy...

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