Jul 05, 2024
Mission15 Strategy
GNPI founder Ziden Nutt shared over and over that we must “redeem the time” or “make the most of every opportunity” (Colossians 4:6).
How long would it take you or me to introduce Jesus to 5,000 hurting people?
And if those hurting and spiritually lost people were in India and spoke Hindi and believed in Hinduism? How successful would we be?
You already know the power of media to reach people exponentially. Mission15 harnesses that power to design and deliver one billion gospel invitations through social media platforms, radio, television, and print.
I’m challenged by what St. Augustine said and feel it sums up the urgency of Mission15.
“God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but he has not promised tomorrow to your procrastination.”
Have you joined the Mission15 movement?
Mike Schrage
GNPI President
June 1, 2023: Mission15: Official Launch
Number of countries where gospel invitations are running: 0
Number of languages of gospel invitations: 0
Number of gospel invitations sent: 0
June 1, 2024 - Mission15: One Year Later
Number of countries where gospel invitations are running: 9
Number of languages of gospel invitations: 11
Number of gospel invitations sent: 31,033,173; averaging over 200,000 per day
I want to join the Mission15 movement!