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Redux: Remind. Pray. Encourage.

Oct 01, 2021

How can the Redux app help you today?

When a coworker needs prayer, you can get reminders to pray intentionally.

When a marriage struggles, you can access resources for hard questions.

When a friend searches for God, you can help move them from seeker to disciple.

With the Redux app you get:

Notifications: We use reminders all the time, so why not for something as important as prayer? Simply select what time and how often you would like to be reminded to pray for each person you add to the app.

When Redux sends you a notification, you will be empowered to pray for your friends. It’s that easy!

Focus Areas: As your relationships deepen, you'll learn more about your friends—their joys and struggles, goals and questions. You can tag any of these as focus areas on the individual timelines.

Note topics like a new job, anxiety, addiction, or whatever they're experiencing. Using this feature will help you keep these items in focus, allowing you to pray, encourage, and disciple more intentionally!

Besides this, tapping specific focus areas gives you access to a library of relevant resources.

Resources: Looking for reliable information? Redux puts a library of resources right at your fingertips.

This feature includes various books, podcasts, articles, or videos to assist you in discipling others. For instance, if your friend asks you a question about forgiveness, you can access relevant resources immediately. 

The truth is, most of us want to share our faith but struggle to know where to start. 

Using the Redux app, you can take practical steps towards sharing your faith, beginning with praying for people who don’t know Jesus. 

Through a series of reminders, prompts, and resources, the Redux app becomes your personal prayer assistant.

Download the FREE Redux prayer discipleship app today for iPhone or Android. 



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