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God is doing great things in SE Asia!

Jun 22, 2023

Because of your prayers . . .

Acts 10:34-35 (NLT)

Then Peter replied, “I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. In every nation he accepts those who fear him . . .”


God is answering your prayers in amazing ways.

Several weeks ago, Timothy from GNPI-SE Asia asked you to pray that his team could continue providing discipleship and Nomad production training events.

Now Timothy writes:

Our team held three training events, and 10 people accepted Christ and were baptized in the first three weeks of May. 

Then the fourth week of the month, we implemented the Sharing the Truth and Nomad training events in a city 19 hours away from our home for 98 people. 

Because of your prayers and support, God also allowed me to go to Thailand and lead discipleship training for three groups. 

We spoke with local translators about making three of our best resources available in the Shan and Thai languages. 

This is another step forward toward our goal of sharing Christ in the surrounding Theravada Buddhist nations. 

Another special highlight of the trip to Thailand is that God even brought together people from other nations to hear the gospel.

An Italian man, Jack, has been learning about Jesus for five years. His wife asked me to teach Jack about the true God. 

As she requested, I stopped one evening and taught him for two hours. 

At the end of teaching about Jesus Christ, Jack decided to be baptized. He did so on Sunday, May 21. Praise the Lord!

Thank you very much for all prayers.


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