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Glory to God in Ghana!

Aug 18, 2023

You are making disciples and planting churches in Africa.  So, this note of thanks belongs to you too!

Austin Ganyo, leader of church planting and community development organization Training Tomorrow’s Leaders, wrote to GNPI several months ago.

We're really grateful for our partnership with GNPI. We find the Solar Kits a wonderful tool in planting churches and making disciples. 

We were thankful to God that through the use of the Solar Kits we were able to plant a church in a predominantly Islamic community. 

This outreach effort happened during the Muslim month of Ramadan in April this year.

On the first night, the power went off. This really gave us a great opportunity. Using the Solar Kits, we didn't have to rely on power. 

The second night there was electricity, but they came again in their numbers. On the third and final day, we had 25 people come forward, and they were baptized. 

Currently, a church meets in the village. Thanks again for your support and prayers.

Austin invited Mike Schrage and Nathanael Dunn from GNPI-USA, along with Isaac Masiga from GNPI-Kenya, to Ghana to meet with Christian workers in July. 

They visited church leaders and congregations throughout the country. 

One of their favorite highlights was meeting a blind yet visionary church planter named James who’s started six congregations in Ghana and Burkina Faso.

Pictured from left: Isaac, Austin, James, Mike, and Nathanael

In between meetings, these coworkers traveled some extremely rough roads and enjoyed seeing crocodiles and elephants.

Last month Austin wrote again.

Thanks for your prayers. The training was very successful. 

We had 45 participants who really enjoyed learning about Nomad Academy, Solar Kits, and ways Christian workers can partner with Good News Productions, International. 

We give all glory to God!

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