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A Call for Home: The story continues . . .

Jul 05, 2023

Baby Nasya*

The first chapter of Nasya’s life story officially began in January. She entered the world at the state hospital in Johannesburg. 

Her single, drug-addicted mother took hardcore drugs throughout the pregnancy and abandoned her baby shortly after the birth. 

The baby’s only next-of-kin had already raised the mother's previous children. 

This aging relative alerted the local social services/child welfare about the baby, and Nasya found her way to a good social worker. 

A new chapter began as a loving family considered adoption but later decided against it. 

Several weeks later this same family watched the newly released A Call for Home documentary, and it planted a seed in their hearts.

From there, the couple arranged a meeting with Joel Kirby, who was featured in the documentary. The meeting changed their minds for good and caused the seed in their hearts to grow.

Nasya’s social worker found the willing family in the system and introduced them. 

It was love at first sight. The couple knew God had brought them a daughter. 

The local church stepped in with clothing, diapers, and met many other needs.

The couple is currently in the process of adopting Nasya and requests prayer for God’s guidance through all the details. 

All glory goes to God for working in these lives as the story continues. 

Nasya now has the opportunity to grow up in a gospel-loving home. 

Her parents want to share the truth of Jesus with her. They want to love her and prepare her for the day when Jesus comes to take her to her heavenly home with Him.

Because of your support, A Call for Home offers hope to transform lives and change the story of many families in South Africa. 

* Child’s identity is protected.

Watch the trailer or the full 33-minute documentary

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