Creating Media. Sharing Jesus.


Solar Kits


How Does It Work?

Because they’re easy to transport and don’t require electricity, Solar Kits can be taken into rural villages, remote jungles, refugee camps, and any other region of the world where electricity is scarce. One of our ministry partners, Simmi Dhingra, said, “The Solar Kit provides an attraction for our outreach in northern India. The children come first. They pay attention and ask so many questions. Then, they invite the pastors to come to their homes to share about Christ. God is blessing our work.”

Around 780 million people worldwide are illiterate today.  Even if the Bible has been translated into their native language, they’re not able to read it. That’s why a visual presentation of the gospel, like the one we show on our Solar Kits, is a powerful tool for reaching these people. It’s one of the most meaningful and relevant ways they can learn about Jesus.

Since 1981, GNPI has mobilized more than 750 solar powered media kits in 50 different nations. They’ve been instrumental in evangelism, church planting, and leadership training around the world. Allen Sappington, a ministry partner, writes, “We carried them to jungle villages and islands on horseback, on our backs, in dugout canoes, in small planes, and on four-wheel drive trucks. The Solar Kit is a miracle for our Floating Bible Schools ministry in San Blas Islands, Panama. Nearly 150 people have made decisions for Christ.”

Although the initial appeal of the Solar Kit in many places is the novelty of a moving picture, there’s much more to the story. As the gospel is shared and faith is stirred, new communities of Christ-followers are being formed. Another team member said, "It’s amazing what the Lord is doing through this little yellow kit! We trained our partners, gave them the kits, and the Holy Spirit is doing the rest."

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